The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society 2006
Silent Film Festival
South Pittsburg High School Auditorium
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Princess Theatre marquee advertises the Society's Silent Film Festival, which was held on Sunday, February 12, 2006 at the South Pittsburg High School auditorium. Several films featuring South Pittsburg native, Jobyna Ralston, along with Tom Mix and South Pittsburg in 1954 were shown.
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. held a Silent Film Festival on Sunday, February 12, 2006 at the auditorium of the South Pittsburg High School. Despite near freezing temperatures and snow showers, over 100-people attended the event, which started at 2:00 PM CST.
Bradley Reeves and his wife, Louisa Trott, traveled down from Knoxville to put on the show, which featured several vintage films from his personal collection. Among those shown were short comedies starring Jobyna Ralston, a South Pittsburg native, and James “Paul” Parrott. In addition, was a ten minute short starring Tom Mix who once worked at the Dixie-Portland Cement Plant at Richard City (South Pittsburg) around 1908.
Last shown was the Southern Film Productions presentation of “Your Town on Parade” – SOUTH PITTSBURG in February 1954, which Herman McDowell, manager of the Princess Theatre, used to attract local citizens to the movies. The footage is a glimpse of local business people at work, the students in the schools, and scenes around the city.
Bradley Reeves of the Tennessee Archive of Moving Image and Sound is a graduate of the L. Jeffrey Selnick School of Film Preservation at the Eastman House in Rochester, New York. He has assisted the Beene- Pearson Public Library and Society with the preservation of the 1954 film made of life in South Pittsburg, which has now been transferred to DVD.
The event brought in a wide variety of folks from the tri-state area who were eager to see some old slap-stick comedies while others were interested in seeing the 1954 South Pittsburg film. The event was one of the most successful ever put on by the Society.
Films shown featuring Jobyna Ralston were: – POST NO BILLS (1922), HARVEST HANDS (1922), ARE PARENTS PICKLES? (1925), SHINE ‘EM UP (1922) and RUFF ON ROMEO (1922). The film with Tom Mix was the climax of his 1933 feature film, TERROR TRAIL.
Last shown was the Southern Film Productions presentation of “Your Town on Parade” – SOUTH PITTSBURG in February 1954, which Herman McDowell, manager of the Princess Theatre, had commissioned for use in the theater.
This film is now available along with “Your Town on Parade” – SOUTH PITTSBURG in November 1941 on DVD for a $12.50 donation, which will include shipping cost. To order your DVD please send check or money order along with a note stating what the funds are for to the:
South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society
PO Box 175
South Pittsburg, Tennessee
The Society would like to thank Bradley Reeves, his wife, Louisa Trott, for donating their time and equipment for this festival. We would also like to thank high school principal, Marjorie Allison, along with Paige Hill, Beth Webb, WEPG radio and all news media that helped with the promotion of this event.
More pictures of event below:

The crowd begins to come in for the Society's Silent Film Festival on February 12, 2006. Louisa Trott Reeves, wife of Bradley, video tapes parts of the display for their records.
The first two guest sign the guest book at the Silent Film Festival on February 12, 2006. Society secretary, Carolyn Millhiser, stands ready to answer any questions.
Carolyn Millhiser tells those in attendance about Tom Mix and the 1954 South Pittsburg film. Before Millhiser spoke, Dennis Lambert (not pictured) opened the festival with welcoming remarks in place of Society chairman, Bob Hookey, who was unable to attend due to a family emergency. Lambert also told of Jobyna Ralston's life in films.
Bradley Reeves of Knoxville, who is a film preservationist, speaks to the crowd about films and importance of their preservation before beginning the show.
With a crowd of over one-hundred in attendance, the silent film festival was one of the Society's best attended events. Considering the near freezing temperatures on February 12, 2006 along with the constant snow showers, the event was enjoyed by all. We hope to continue this annual event in 2007 with even more rare silent films. We are hopeful that maybe by then we will have the restoration of the Princess Theatre completed to a point where we can move the event into the historic structure.
Another view of the crowd who gathered on a cold and snowy day to see the rare silent films at the second annual Silent Film Festival on February 12, 2006. The picture was made before all who attended had arrived.
This page was built on February 14, 2006