South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc.
Preservation through Determination - Insuring a Place in the Future for Our Heritage!
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Nickajack Cave near Shellmound, Tennessee is pictured above in the 1950s. This cave, which was mined for saltpeter during the American Civil War and once home to early Native American Indians, was flooded by the backwaters of Nickajack Lake after Nickajack Dam was built nearby by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1960s.
Photograph courtesy, Bob Hookey
Shellmound, Tennessee depot is pictured above around the 1930s. This depot and the railroad was owned by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. The track to the right with the boxcar originally led up into Coal City, Georgia where a thriving community once existed. Today, only the foundations of homes and buildings along with the ruins of coke ovens stand as silent reminders of this town. As for Shellmound, it was mostly inundated by the backwaters of Nickajack Lake after Nickajack Dam was built nearby by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1960s.
Photograph courtesy, Bob Hookey

Nickajack Dam and Nickajack Lake on Tennessee River near Shellmound about six miles above South Pittsburg as it appeared only a year or so after completion of construction. The dam was completed in 1967 by the Tennessee Valley Authority and replaced the aging Hales Bar dam a few miles farther upstream near Guild, Tennessee.
Courtesy, Paul A. Hiener collection/Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library
This page was last updated: July 17, 2007