Minutes of June 7, 2005 meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met June 7, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Bobbie Allison, Regina Blevins, Mary Jane Brown, Doris Durham, Bebe Fuqua, Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Cheri Horn, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Suzy Raulston, Lawrence Roberts, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, Ann Walker, and Gladys Wooten.
The minutes of the May 3, 2005, 2005 meeting were approved with the addition of Susan Mack and Bobbi Allison as members of the Chamber of Commerce breakfast planning committee; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Dennis Lambert.
Bill Millhiser. treasurer, gave a report on the Chapel on the Hill account
Bill Millhiser, treasurer, gave a financial report on the Princess Theatre
Susan Mack gave a financial report on the City Cemetery
Princess Theatre status –
In order to install an emergency exit on the south side wall of the Princess Theatre, there must be an easement agreement with the adjacent landowner, Joe Ray Wilson. The easement agreement will be between the two property owners – the City of South Pittsburg and Joe Ray Wilson. Tracey Wooden, city attorney, is preparing the agreement.
With the installation of the structural steel, the next work will be installation of the permanent glass in the ticket booth, repair of the red floor tile at the entry, putting chicken wire on the bottom of the marquee, and painting and sealing the parapet.
Joe Goeller has obtained a quote of $30,000 for the elevator plus $5,000 for the required preparation work
Rough-in of the plumbing is next step.
On a motion by Suzy Raulston, second by Bob Sherrill, the Society voted to look into installing the permanent ceiling rather than chicken wire.
Chapel on the Hill status –
Bebe Fuqua reported on a visit to the chapel and the Owen Russell Beene gravesite by Charles Russell Peek, a great grandson, and other family members. Mr. Peek was given a copy of the Primitive Baptist Church Conference Minutes.
A signer of the guest book on the website www.historicsouthpittsburgtn.org indicated that her great-grandparents are buried at the Patton Cemetery. In response to a follow-up contact, Melinda indicated her great-grandparents were Samuel Beene Patton and Mary Ann Raulston Patton, whose grave markers only include first initials.
In responses to a letter from the Patton Annex and Burl Lee Hill Cemetery Association, the Society approved a $100 donation to their mowing fund on a motion by Bob Sherrill and second by Bebe Fuqua.
At 9 AM on Saturday, June 11, Joe Goeller, Lawrence Roberts and other interested members will meet at the Chapel to check the status of the plumbing.
City Cemetery status -
The first spray effort to control the growth of weeds was not successful. Work at the cemetery will be suspended until fall.
Work is ongoing to restore the Bostick plot. The Bostick family is working with Jim Rogers to install a marker for Mrs. Bostick.
The saddle donated by Tooter Moss will be given away on July 4.
Chamber Breakfast committee will meet at the Chapel at 10 AM on Monday, June 13.
Discussion of a marketing plan for the Society carried forward to the July meeting.
Dennis Lambert reported that there is interest in a mounting an exhibit open to the public. The exhibit would be staffed by Society members and only open at specific times. The Society would need a secure location for the exhibit.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 6:35 PM.
Carolyn K. Millhiser, Secretary_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Minutes of May 3, 2005 meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met May 3, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Bobbie Allison, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, Bebe Fuqua, Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Cheri Horn, Ken Jordan, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacy Mitchem, Suzy Raulston, Lawrence Roberts, Jeanne Scholze, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, Ann Walker, Gladys Wooten, and guest Mark Kelly.
The minutes of the April 5, 2005 meeting were approved; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Dennis Lambert.
Bill Millhiser. treasurer, gave a report on the Chapel on the Hill account
Bill Millhiser, treasurer, gave a financial report on the Princess Theatre
Susan Mack gave a financial report on the City Cemetery
At the National Cornbread Festival on April 23 and 24, 79 A Skillet Full cookbooks, 12 1887 South Pittsburg Tennessee pamphlets, 7 Sequachee Valley handbooks, 24 Hustler reprints, and 220 postcards received a total of $1,475.00 in donations. Inside the Princess Theatre, the South Pittsburg High School band and other musicians provided live entertainment. The weekend surprise was the interest in signing the beams that will support the second floor. Beam signing, miniature golf and donations totaled $ 860.92. The City Cemetery project offered Victorian jewelry and a saddle for a giveaway.
Princess Theatre status –
The community responded positively to the new façade of the Princess with the black granite tiles and mahogany doors with brass hardware.
The smoked glass in the ticket booth is temporary and must be replaced with tempered glass. Consensus is for smoked glass; Joe will so advise Quality Glass.
The structural steel to support upper level will be installed this week.
Chicken wire will be hung under the marquee to deter the pigeons.
The next step is to obtain bids for the underground rough-in plumbing.
When all current work is finished, the Society will review the free balance and proceed to establish the priorities for the next phase of work.
Chapel on the Hill status –
Painting of exterior completed in time for the National Cornbread Festival.
A neighbor has requested the dirt pile left from filling sunken graves be moved.
Lawrence Roberts has graciously mowed the chapel grounds prior to the Festival.
The repair of the plumbing is important before the Society actively advertises the chapel as available for use by the public.
City Cemetery status –
The NCF donations for the cemetery project include $495.00 for the saddle giveaway, $ 127.00 for 15 pendants and 2 chains, and $ 24.00 in contributions.
The saddle was not given away at the Festival as first announced but the giveaway has been postponed until the 4th of July after the Lions Club car giveaway.
John Graham of the Marion County Road Department has donated enough spray to treat three acres of the land previously cleared.
Markers for civil war soldiers cost $78.50; to date 6 graves qualify for markers because the interred were veterans of the civil war.
The Thompson grave will have a confederate stone supplied by the family and placed by Jim Rogers.
Bob Hookey appointed a committee to plan the August 9 Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Chapel on the Hill. The committee members are Cheri Horne, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, Doris Durham, Bebe Fuqua, Carolyn Millhiser, and Stacy Mitchem. Cheri announced typically 45 to 60 members attend the breakfasts.
The Society approved the design and purchase of new business cards for the Society; motion by Jeanne Scholze, second by Patsy Sherrill.
Bob Hookey appointed a marketing subcommittee for the Society – Ken Jordan, Mark Kelly, Dennis Lambert, and Jeanne Scholze. The committee will recommend if there is a need for a card or brochure to promote the Chapel.
Bob Hookey read the following resolution for consideration by the Society:
WHEREAS, the South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society (SPHPS) has from time to time revisited projects it had approved, and decided by vote of the Board of Directors to discontinue support of those projects that became inconsistent with the SPHPS charter or grew in scope beyond the ability of the SPHPS to support in the required manner, such as the Fort McCook project; and
WHEREAS, the City Cemetery Project, which was initially undertaken by the SPHPS as a simple clean up project, has now grown in scope, size and financial commitment beyond the ability of the SPHPS to support, given its other commitments; and
WHEREAS, the Princess Theater and the Chapel on the Hill have the potential to generate revenue and at least defray most if not all operating expenses. The City Cemetery Project cannot reasonably be projected to provide anything except a continuing draw on SPHPS financial resources; and
WHEREAS, the City Cemetery Project is fraught with controversy and potential for legal liability, over which the SPHPS has no control, it has become necessary for the SPHPS to extract itself from the project; and
WHEREAS, the City Cemetery Project has become large enough to justify a separate Commission chartered by the City of South Pittsburg; and
WHEREAS, most of the controversy and complaints about the City Cemetery Project involve decisions made by the City of South Pittsburg long before the SPHPS was chartered.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SPHPS will cease all support and involvement in the City Cemetery Project and send a letter to the City of South Pittsburg recommending establishment of a City Cemetery Commission to carry forward the work of the current City Cemetery project administrator and her committee, for which work the SPHPS is deeply grateful.
ADOPTED ________________, 2005
_______________________________ ___________________________
Robert Hookey – Chairman Carolyn Millhiser - Secretary
To open the discussion, Ken Jordan moved the resolution and Bob Sherrill seconded it. After a lengthy discussion, the vote was taken – 8 voted “aye”; 8 voted “no” and 6 did not vote. Mark Kelly, a guest, did not vote. The motion failed.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:48 PM
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of April 5, 2005 meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met April 5, 2005 at 6:00 PM at the National Cornbread Festival building as the City Commission was meeting at city hall. In the absence of the chairman, vice-chairman Joe Goeller presided.
Present were Mary Jane Brown, Doris Durham, Bebe Fuqua, Joe Goeller, Cheri Horn, Ken Jordan, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Lawrence Roberts, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, and Gladys Wooten.
The March 1, 2005 meeting minutes were approved; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Dennis Lambert.
Bill Millhiser. treasurer, gave a report on the Chapel on the Hill account
Bill Millhiser, treasurer, gave a financial report on the Princess Theatre
Susan Mack gave a financial report on the City Cemetery
Princess Theatre status –
Helton Roofing is installing cornices and trim on frames from United Enertech.
Ricky Newsom Construction. installed five second floor windows, framed theatre entrance and box office and hung entry doors.
Marble Masters will face entry wall and ticket booth with black granite.
Quality Glass will fabricate and install the ticket booth glass.
Steel for second floor and balcony delivered and stored in the building.
HLP Construction to dig and pour footings.
S & K Erection to erect structural steel.
Chapel on the Hill status –
Lawrence Roberts reported three bids received; five were invited to bid.
Society awarded Imperial Home Improvement contract to paint the chapel exterior for $1,000; motion by Doris Durham, second by Bob Sherrill.
Clean-up Days for National Cornbread Festival –Saturday, April 16 at 10 AM and Monday April 18 at 2 PM.
National Cornbread Festival Plans –
Society will sell four South Pittsburg or National Cornbread Festival postcards for 50¢ apiece or 3 for $1.00. The Society will make stamps available for purchase; SP Post Office has agreed to “hand-cancel” cards Monday, April 25.
Live music in the Princess still to be arranged; BG Goeller will investigate.
200 A Skillet Full cookbooks on order at Lodge.
Mr. Byrd and SPHS vocational students are building miniature golf holes for Putt-Putt at the Princess.
Jack Ellis, movie projectionist from 1948 until 1953, sent the Society photographs of the Princess and Cedar Avenue. Dennis Lambert will post on the website.
City Cemetery status –
Crew of four workers worked three days in March to clean the grounds.
Ladies made necklace pendants to sell at the April 1 benefit and the Festival.
“As the Tombstone Turns” benefit was an entertaining and financial success with a net of $1,871.99 after expenses of $238.11.
Tooter Moss has donated a saddle as a give away at the Festival.
Patty Barnes of B & B Crafts donated $360.07 contributed by individuals during a 1986 effort to clean up the cemetery.
Gladys Wooten moved that the “Society conduct its own investigation or employ another to investigate the desecration of graves in the cemetery under discussion and take whatever legal action is necessary to resolve the problem”. Motion seconded by Joe Goeller. After a lengthy discussion, the motion failed to pass.
The Society approved the engraving of a granite stone with the “Princess Theatre, 1921” on a motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Mary Jane Brown. Dennis Lambert expressed concern that the 1921 would imply the theatre has always been known as the Princess.
The Society approved “ Sign the Beam” as an additional fundraiser for the Festival on a motion by BG Goeller and second by Patsy Sherrill.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of March 1, 2005 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met March 1, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Regina Blevins, Catherine Brown, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, Doris Durham, Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Ken Jordan, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacy Mitchem, Suzy Raulston, Lawrence Roberts, Jeanne Scholze, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, Ann Walker, and Gladys Wooten.
The minutes of the February 1, 2005 meeting were approved with the following corrections: Princess financial report, “TN Secretary of State - incorporation fee” and City Cemetery status report, “supplies needed to clean the headstones”; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Helen Clay.
Bill Millhiser, Society treasurer, reported the current statuses of the Princess Theatre and Chapel on the Hill accounts
Susan Mack, City Cemetery Clean-up Administrator, reported reported current status of the cemetery's account.
Princess Theatre status –
Debris removed from pit and walls; original landscape murals uncovered but in bad condition due to 1930s refurbishment; Sam Hunter donated his time and equipment to haul away the dirt and bricks from the rear of the theatre.
Downspout installed under marquee.
Structural steel bids under evaluation but awaiting one more bid before decision.
Fabrication of façade cornices underway by United Enertech and Helton Roofing.
Windows for second floor and doors for entry on order. Hardware options for entry doors reviewed. The Society approved brass hardware with a lifetime guarantee; motion by Doris Durham, second by Patsy Sherrill. The Society approved half-moon door plates on the inside and the outside of the entry doors; motion by Carolyn Millhiser; second by Helen Clay.
Carpentry bids being received and decision due within the week.
Poster case to be painted burgundy.
Future work - interior footings, plumbing rough-in, electrical work on marquee.
Chapel on the Hill –
Workday before the National Cornbread Festival in April when the Chapel will be on the historic tour of homes.
Cheri Horn has scheduled the Society to host the Marion County Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Tuesday, August 9, at 8 am at Chapel on the Hill. The Society provides breakfast. There are Chamber announcements, and then the Society can talk about Chapel. Chamber’s average attendance is 50 with a high attendance at last meeting of 63.
Barbara Clepper announced that the Southern Bean Association of the Bean/Beene family group, at its annual meeting in June 2004, awarded a grant of $500.00 to refurbish the steeple. As no official notification has been received, Barbara will inquire if the funds may be used for other restoration work.
The Society is accepting bids to complete the exterior painting.
Fundraisers status –
The Trash and Treasure Sale has been rescheduled to March 18 and 19. Set-up and sorting will begin the week of March 7. Carolyn Millhiser will contact people to assist.
Dennis Lambert reviewed the quotes for printing postcards as follows:
The Florida company rates have priced the company out of consideration.
An Oregon company will print 500 copies of 4 postcards at $590.00 plus shipping.
Tennessee Valley Signs in Scottsboro will print 1,000 copies of 4 postcards on heavier stock for $610.00. The Society awarded the postcard project to Tennessee Valley Signs; motion by Joe Goeller, second by Jeanne Scholze
At the National Cornbread Festival, the Society will sell A Skillet Full cookbooks on consignment from Lodge, postcards, newspaper reprints, and the 1887 pamphlet reprint. Joe Goeller asked for volunteers to assist with a golf putting green inside the theatre. Other possible uses for the theatre discussed.
City Cemetery Status –
Cemetery is divided into 10 sections. As a section is cleared, it will be sprayed to retard the unwanted weeds and other vegetation.
February 12 four paid workers re-cleared Section 1, the 2004 area of work. February 19 volunteers worked in section two which has a large fallen oak. Four men sawed up the tree while student volunteers moved the small debris to a pickup area. Other volunteers removed the unwanted vegetation in three family plots.
Richard Hardy Beta Club students selected the cemetery as this year’s community project. Scouts receive a special badge for assisting at the cemetery.
To raise funds for the cemetery, the Society approved the “As The Tombstone Turns – A Night of Comedy and Music” at the First Baptist Church, Saturday, April 1 at 6:00 PM. Tickets - $10.00 adult $5.00 child. Motion by Joe Goeller; second by Jeanne Scholze.
Victorian era jewelry, made by volunteers, will be sold at the performance.
Cemetery information for web site did not arrive via the net so Susan Mack gave Dennis Lambert the information.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM; motion by Ann Walker, second by Bill Millhiser.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of February 1, 2005 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met February 1, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Mary Jane and Jere Brown, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, BG & Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Cheri Horn, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacey Mitchem, Jane Pellam, Jeanne Scholze, Patsy Sherrill, Vera Storey, and Ann Walker. Chairman Hookey introduced guests, Regina Blevins and Lawrence Roberts.
December 7, 2004 meeting minutes were approved; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Dennis Lambert.
Bill Millhiser (Society Treasurer) reported on the Chapel on the Hill account as well as the Princess Theatre account.
Susan Mack reported on the City Cemetery account
City Cemetery status –
There was a discussion of the relationships among the three projects currently undertaken by the Society – the restoration of the Chapel on the Hill, the reconstruction of the Princess Theatre, and the cleanup of the City Cemetery.
Persons interested in helping with the cemetery are Jim Rogers and Lynn Adcock.
As an undertaker, Jim Rogers will obtain the supplies needed to clean the headstone at his cost.
The next cemetery clean-up day is for Saturday, February 19,2005 from 12 noon until 3 PM.
The Society approved that the cemetery information posted on the web-site, www.historicsouthpittsburgtn.org, be four pages with a link to a site to be set up by the cemetery project administrator at no cost to the cemetery project; motion by Patsy Sherrill and second by Joe Goeller.
The city is planning improvements to the access road to the cemetery from Route 156 and the posting of an appropriate street sign.
Princess Theatre status –
Roofs are complete with only a downspout needed for the marquee.
Joe Goeller has received a low bid of $9,500 for the structural steel necessary to support a second floor and balcony.
The plan is to place the steel within the building before completing the first floor façade.
Windows to be installed in the second floor openings in the façade.
Decisions on design of entry doors and ticket booth due soon.
Chapel on the Hill status –
No change.
Cheri Horn suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be invited to hold a Chamber breakfast at the chapel. The Society would provide the breakfast and the 8 AM event allow chamber members to visit and to see the chapel. Cheri will contact the Chamber to determine if there is any interest.
Dennis Lambert proposed four postcards – Fund Raisers:
One with photographs of six buildings in South Pittsburg today,
One with historic photographs of five buildings and the old ferry,
Street scene from the 2004 National Cornbread Festival shot from Loyd’s roof,
The National Cornbread Festival sign on the wall of the old US Stove facility.
The Society authorized Dennis to proceed with the postcard project; motion by Barbara Clepper, second by Mary Jane Brown.
The annual Trash and Treasurer sale is scheduled for March 11 and 12, 2005. The site used for prior sales has been sold so it is suggested that the sale be held in the Princess. The Society approved on a motion by Barbara Clepper; second by Ann Walker.
Ideas mentioned as fundraisers at the 2005 National Cornbread Festival include, the cookbook, postcards, a putting green in the Princess, the Chapel on the Hill from Deb’s Flower Bank, popcorn, and bottled water.
On a motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Susan Mack, Joe Goeller was elected vice-chair of the Society.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
No Meeting Held in January, 2005 due to closeness of holidays!
Minutes of December 7, 2004 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met December 7, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Bobbie Allison, Mary Jane Brown, Barbara Clepper, Doris Durham, Bob Hookey, Ken Jordan, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacy Mitchem, Suzy Raulston, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, and Vera Storey.
The minutes of the November 2, 2004 meeting were approved as distributed; motion by Bob Sherrill, second by Bobbie Cloe Allison.
City Cemetery status –
Susan Mack reported on the current status of the City Cemetery account. In addition she read letters received from the Baumgartner family members after their South Pittsburg meeting with her and others in November.
Susan attended a meeting at the Southeast Tennessee Development District on the Civil War Heritage Tourism Trail. A connection with the cemetery and Fort McCook would be a possible source of additional funding.
Society treasure, Bill Millhiser, reported the status of the balances of the Princess Theatre and the Chapel on the Hill accounts.
Princess Theatre status –
Roofing of building and marquee with insulation and membrane progressing.
Metal cornice pieces with red color to co-ordinate with the marquee ordered.
Quotes for structural steel for second floor and theatre balcony requested.
Society Website -
Dennis Lambert built a web site for the Society in November. The free trial period ends in December. The Society approved a motion to enter into a one-year agreement for a web site at a cost of $249.98; motion by Mary Jane Brown, second by Ken Jordan.
The Society approved a motion to pay by credit card (requested method of payment); motion by Mary Jane Brown; second by Ken Jordan. “historicsouthpittsburgtn” is the name selected for the web site; motion by Mary Jane Brown, second by Jerry Mack.
The Society unanimously elected Bob Hookey as chairman for 2005; motion by Suzy Raulston, second by Vera Storey.
Jobyna Ralston Marker Dedication -
The Jobyna Ralston Historic Marker dedication was a success in spite of rain. Over 40 attended the dedication and unveiling held in the Senior Center and about 30 stayed for the film “Hot Water”. Attendees came from Chattanooga, Sewanee, Ider, Morrison, McMinnville, Stevenson, Soddy Daisy, East Ridge, Signal Mountain, Bridgeport, Jasper, and South Pittsburg.
Barbara Clepper suggested that Raymond Cooley, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient from World War II, be the next person the Society honor.
The Tour of Homes was a success with all enjoying both the quilt display and the historic homes and churches. The Society sold 15 commemorative ornaments; Deb’s Flower Bank will send a portion of the proceeds to the Society.
Carolyn Millhiser announced A Skillet Full recipes that Southern Living published in February 2004 are included in the Southern Living 2004 Annual Recipes book.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 6:40 PM.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of November 4, 2004 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met November 4, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Mary Jane Brown, Helen Clay, Doris Durham, Bebe Fuqua, Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Mike Killian, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacey Mitchem, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, Ann Walker, and Gladys Wooten.
The minutes of the October 5, 2004 dinner were amended as follows:
Jeff Cole and Jeanne Scholze of Lodge Manufacturing Company presented Barbara Clepper the original watercolor used as the cover for “A Skillet Full” cookbook in appreciation for her work in the development of the cookbook. The minutes of the September 7 and October 5 minutes were approved as amended; motion by Helen Clay; second by Susan Mack.
Bill Millhiser reported the monthly expenditures and receipts for both the Princess Theatre account and Chapel account.
Dennis Lambert reported that plans for the 2 PM November 21, 2004 dedication of the Jobyna Raulston state historic marker are coming together. Invitations are almost ready for mailing. The City Commission will be asked to declare November 21 Jobyna Ralston Day and close the street for the dedication service. The reception following the dedication will include a screening of the 1924 silent classic “Hot Water”. Names of persons to invite are requested from the Society.
Doris Durham reported the homes of Jane and Gary Dawkins, Stacy and Ryan Mitchem, and Jane and Gary Pellam and the Episcopal church are on the tour. The Sitichin’ Sisters Quilt Guild will display quilts, both old and new, at the Chapel on the Hill. Included in the exhibit will be the National Cornbread Festival Quilt and quilts made for foster children served by the Marion County Children’s Fund. Tour tickets are at the printers and will be distributed as soon as possible.
Princess Theatre status –
Joe Goeller reported that in preparation for the roof the walls were parged with mortar and debris removed from the building during the two October workdays.
JP Helton will install a 60 ml rubber roof with a 25-year warranty in November. The quote for marquee and building roofs and a rear wall gutter is $25,000.
A quote for the metal cornice work in the front is $5,000.
Approximately 25 pallets of cleaned brick are in the building.
Mr. Jackson, a vocational arts teacher at SPHS, is interested in having students install the facade windows.
A quote for the interior steel framing is $40,000.
A quote for the footings inside for the framing is $ 12,000.
Joe Goeller suggested that the Society consider putting a time capsule in the cavity where there was once a side window or bury messages in bottles.
Bob Hookey stated the architect-updated estimate to complete the building is $700,000.
Chapel on the Hill status-
No progress on painting or plumbing.
Joe Goeller suggested we consider a workday to caulk and paint windows.
Deb’s Flower Bank is selling a tree ornament featuring the Chapel on the Hill. Suggestion made that the florist be approached to sell ornaments at the tour of homes with the Society receiving a small percentage. The florist is interested in a brochure to include with the ornament. Joe Goeller and Carolyn Millhiser are to approach the florist.
City Cemetery
Susan Mack reported on the City Cemetery account.
Susan Mack reported that she has a group interested in the Cemetery Project – Ruth and David Gibbs, Mary Jane and Jere Brown, and Mike Killian. She also reported meeting with Baumgartner descendants in South Pittsburg for a family reunion.
Other Business:
The Society discussed the $40,000 grant awarded to the Princess Theatre Project by the National Cornbread Committee. Joe Goeller explained the NCF Reinvestment Committee was specific in awarding the funds to be spent to roof the building and to complete the façade such that the building is in the dry and the façade is finished. Grant is to finish the façade of the building by the 2005 National Cornbread Festival.
Bob Hookey reviewed the board of directors as prepared in August 2001 when the Society was incorporating. On a motion by Dennis Lambert, second by Bebe Fuqua; the Society purged from the list all directors that are no longer interested and do not attend meetings.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:40 PM.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Secretary _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
October 5, 2004 - Appreciation Dinner!
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. held its annual appreciation dinner on October 5, 2004 at 6:00 PM at the Senior Center, Elm Avenue. Present were Bobbie Allison, Catherine Brown, Mary Jane Brown, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, Doris Durham, Bebe Fuqua, BG and Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Cheri Horn, Mike Killian; Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacy Mitchem, Suzy Raulston, Jeanne Scholze, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, Ann Walker, and Tracey Wooden. Over forty guests and spouses attended.
Following the covered dish dinner, Bob Hookey welcomed all guests and thanked all for their support of the Society. He introduced State Senator Ward Crutchfield, State Representative Bill Harmon, County Commissioner Mike Killian, Marion County Board of Education Representative Bedford Allison, Mayor Bob Sherrill, City Commissioner Bill Stewart, and Judge Rusty Graham.
Joe Goeller reviewed the accomplishments and needs of the Princess Theatre project. He invited volunteers to sign up for two work days, October 16 and October 23. Susan Mack discussed the newest Society Project – the City Cemetery.
Carolyn Millhiser talked about the financial support and the invaluable in-kind assistance all Society projects have received from the community. She cited the 207 man-hours of labor by trustees from the Marion County Justice Center to clear debris and to salvage 21 pallets of bricks. For the architectural survey, Mrs. Siler’s Leo Club has given 300 student hours to map the footprints of almost 500 properties in South Pittsburg. Leonard Wynne and John Hackworth have made 1000 photographs to document these properties in 2004.
Dennis Lambert presented a brief history of Jobyna Lancaster Raulston born on Cedar Avenue on November 21, 1899. With the encouragement of her parents Jobyna become an actress who played opposite Harold Lloyd in numerous silent comedies. After her marriage to actor Richard Arlen and the birth of son Richard Raulston Arlen, she retired from the movies. She died January 22, 1967 in Los Angeles.
To commemorate the birthplace of the late Jobyna Ralston, the Tennessee Historical Commission has approved the placement of a state historic marker near her birthplace at 324 Cedar Avenue in South Pittsburg. The dedication and unveiling of the marker is planned for November 21, 2004, 105th years after her birth. All were invited to attend.
Carolyn Millhiser announced that annual Christmas Tour of Homes is Saturday, December 4, 2004 from 1:30 until 4:00 PM.
Ed Fuller, President of the National Cornbread Festival Executive Committee, presented the Society a check for $40,000, a Community Reinvestment Dividend to complete the roof and the façade of the Princess Theatre.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of September 7, 2004 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met September 7, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Bobbie Cloe Allison, Mary Jane Brown, Helen Clay, Bebe Fuqua, Bob Hookey, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Stacy Mitchem with two of her sons, and Jeanne Scholze.
The minutes of the August 6, 2004 meeting were approved by unanimous vote. Motion by Helen Clay, second by Jeanne Scholze.
Bob Hookey presented the treasurer’s report for the Princess theatre and Chapel on the hill accounts in the absense of treasurer Bill Millhiser.
New Business:
Jeanne Scholze made a motion to accept Jerry Mack as a new member of the South Pittsburg Historical Preservation Society. Mary Jane Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Hookey stated that $400.00 was needed for the processing of the film used in the documenting of historic structures for the historic survey of South Pittsburg. He stated that this film and paperwork needed to be completed by the end of the month of September and would be reimbursed by the Tennessee Historical Commission. A motion was made to loan the money from the Princess Theatre account by Bobbi Cloe Allison and seconded by Dennis Lambert. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Hookey stated the Rotary Club is trying to raise part of the $40,000 they have pledged to the Princess by selling tickets to a musical event scheduled for September 25, 2004 at Monteagle, Tennessee. Hookey further stated that the Rotary has asked if the society would help sell the tickets to the event, which will feature classic rock groups with the Kentucky Headhunters opening the event. Hookey told members that if they wished to help in the sell of the tickets to please contact him.
Old Business:
Chairman Hookey then reported that Bob Sherrill had acquired use of the Senior Citizen Center for the Society’s annual covered dish dinner scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 5, 2004. He then stated that members wishing to serve on the dinner committee should meet at Carolyn Millhiser’s home at 7:00 p.m. on September 21, 2004. Invites for the dinner would be mailed the following day.
Dennis Lambert reported that no work had been completed on the Jobyna Ralston marker dedication. He further stated that November 21, 2004 would be the likely date set for the event since that would have been Jobyna’s 105th birthday. Lambert further reported that he had been in contact with Jobyna’s son, Rick Arlen, and that he would be unable to attend the event due to health related issues.
Chairman Hookey reported that December 4th was set for the Christmas Tour of Homes and that the Episcopal Church building may be a part of the tour.
Chairman Hookey stated that he would be in contact with Sam Warren soon in reference to a proposed SPHPS website.
Princess Theatre:
Chairman Hookey reported that Joe Goeller was close to deciding which roofing contractor would be used in placing the new roof on the Princess Theatre building.
Hookey further reported that he had acquired some chicken wire and placed it in places under the theater’s marquee to prevent pigeons from roosting.
In addition Hookey stated Carolyn Millhiser and Marion County Jail trustees had cleaned all of the salvageable bricks inside the theater of mortar resulting in 22 pallets of good bricks. Several broken bricks are still piled inside the building and, according to Hookey, anyone who may have a use for these to feel free to load them up.
No work done during August as reported by chairman Hookey
City Cemetery:
Susan Mack reported that there has been no change over the last month in the funds in the account for the cemetery.
Mack also reported that the signs for the cemetery are in the works and will, in part, read: "Preserving History for Future Generations."
In addition, she reported that Rogers Funeral Home has estimated that the Bostick stone marker for the cemetery will be around $2700.00.
Mack also reported that the Baumgartner’s are having a reunion in November in which Mrs. Mack will address the group in regards to the cemetery. She also stated that the Baumgartners wish to meet with South Pittsburg mayor, Bob Sherrill, about an official historic designation for the city cemetery by the city government.
Mack reported that Beth Duggar to do the work on a grant application for spraying the cemetery.
In addition Mack reported that Mike Killian has cut the tress from along the roadside leading to the cemetery.
Fund Raisers:
Postcards: Lambert reported that there has been no work done on the postcard project and that a decision still needs to be made in regards to the pictures that will be used.
Susan Mack presented a daytime photograph of the Princess Theatre for possible consideration. She stated that the picture was made in the 1940s and owned by former South Pittsburg resident, Bob Scharer of Ohio.
Chairman Hookey adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. on the motion of Mary Jane Brown with there being no further business to be presented before the board.
Dennis Lambert
Acting Secretary
Minutes of August 3, 2004 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met August 3, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided. Bob noted the Society has lost two friends due to the recent deaths of Shelli Jordan and Eva Cate.
Present were Catherine Brown, Helen Clay, Barbara Clepper, Bebe Fuqua, Ann Gray, Joe Goeller, Bob Hookey, Cheri Horn, Dennis Lambert, Susan and Jerry Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Stacy Mitchem, Suzy Raulston, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, Vera Storey, and Gladys Wooten.
The minutes of the July 6, 2004 meeting were approved with the correction that the balance in the City Cemetery account was 1,274.19 on 6/29/04; motion by Susan Mack, second by Catherine Brown.
Society treasurer, Bill Millhiser, presented the treasurer's report for the Princess Theatre and Chapel accounts.
Search for photographs suitable for picture postcards continues. Bob Scharer sent Susan Mack a photograph of the Princess made in the 1940s. Leonard Wynne has e-mailed some photographs of homes and churches for consideration.
The Jobyna Ralston Historical Marker has been delivered and is in storage. Dennis Lambert reported that the Marker Dedication committee met. Possible dates for the unveiling are late September, early October or November 21, Jobyna’s 105th birthday. The committee discussed showing some clips of her movies as part of the festivities. Dennis will contact her son to invite him to attend the unveiling of the marker.
City Cemetery Project status-
With no activity in cemetery checking account.
All efforts to clean the grounds on hold until cooler weather.
No progress on plans for Bostick plot restoration.
Baumgartner family wants family plot cleaned; several e-mails but no funds.
Bob Hookey reported his brother discovered a small stone for “D. Layne 1891” when they went to clean up the Hookey family plot.
Princess Theatre status-
New “skin” on face of the marquee.
Guttering to be installed on the marquee before it is roofed.
Joe Goeller will seek alternate roofer at MidSouth Signs’ suggestion.
Neon to be installed on the face of the skin.
Joe Goeller seeking quotes to install insulation and membrane roof.
Sidewalls need re-pointing near the alley before roof is installed.
Quality Auto Glass donated the glass and labor to refurbish the poster display case mounted at the Princess.
On motion by Bob Sherrill, second by Suzy Raulston, the Society approved the needed repairs to the sidewalls and installation of the new roof as the next project.
The Society will apply to the National Cornbread Festival for a grant for the “PRINCESS” letters for the marquee.
At the TDOT Enhancement Grant announcement on July 21, 2004, State Senator Ward Crutchfield indicated he would seek funds in the next state budget for the Princess Project. South Pittsburg is represented in the Tennessee General Assembly by
Senator Ward Crutchfield
Representative Bill Harmon
707 Georgia Avenue Suite 301
Chattanooga, TN 37402
715 Rankin Avenue
Dunlap, TN 37327
13 Legislative Plaza
Nashville, TN 37243
109 War Memorial Building
Nashville, TN 37243
Chapel on the Hill status-
No progress on painting of exterior, upgrade of bathrooms, or front door lock.
Wedding brochures not yet ordered.
Date for Annual Dinner tentatively October 5. Suggested site for the dinner is either the Senior Center or the Parish House of the Episcopal Church. Bob Sherrill will inquire about using the center.
The Society established the first Saturday in December as the date for the Christmas Tour of Homes; motion by Jeanne Scholze, second by Bob Sherrill. The Society by acclamation elected Doris Durham as the chairman for the 2004 tour.
Southeast Tennessee Tourism Association is conducting “ Marketing on a Shoestring” Monday, August 16 from 1 PM to 4PM at Western Sizzlin’. There is no charge but reservations are requested.
Susan Mack presented some ideas for a Society Logo.
Jeanne Scholze talked about the sales of “A Skillet Full”. Royalty commissions to date total $45,202. The Society made $8,400 selling cookbooks at the 2003 and 2004 Cornbread Festivals. Jeanne suggested the Society compile chili recipes for another Lodge cookbook.
The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of July 6, 2004 Meeting
The South Pittsburg Historic Preservation Society, Inc. met July 6, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. Chairman Bob Hookey presided.
Present were Catherine Brown, Mary Jane Brown, Bebe Fuqua, Ann Gray, Bobby Hookey, Cheri Horn, Ken Jordan, Dennis Lambert, Susan Mack, Bill and Carolyn Millhiser, Suzy Raulston, Patsy and Bob Sherrill, and Ann Walker.
June 1, 2004 meeting minutes approved; motion by Patsy Sherrill, second by Bill Millhiser.
Society treasurer, Bill Millhiser, presented the treasurer's report for the Princess Theatre and Chapel accounts.
Sarah Loyd Austin, who made a donation to the Princess project, and her late husband, James Jefferson Austin, grew up in Bridgeport, AL and together as teenagers attended movies at the Princess.
On motion by Suzy Raulston, second by Patsy Sherrill, the Society approved a donation of $100 to Burl Lee Hill and Patton Annex Cemetery Association for mowing the grounds.
Ideas for the four-postcard project include chapel, theatre, street scene, cornbread festival, city hall, bridge, ferry, montage of homes, and sketches by Wayne Gray.
Dennis Lambert brought a sketch of a logo incorporating the bridge; Ann Gray reported that the bridge is the official symbol of the City of New Hope. Cheri Horn suggested that part of the Clute Map be used in the logo.
TDOT has been to South Pittsburg to the site for the Jobyna Raulston historic marker. Dennis Lambert attended the Planning Commission meeting in June. The marker will be delivered in mid July. Bob Hookey appointed a dedication ceremony committee – Dennis Lambert (Chair), Cheri Horn, and Carolyn Millhiser.
Princess Theatre status-
1. Trustees have cleaned almost all the bricks from the front wall.
2. No progress on the marquee.
3. Joe Goeller is seeking quotes for roof.
City Cemetery status-
Susan Mack reported the City Cemetery account activity
Jim Rogers is preparing a quote for the Bostick family to restore totally the Bostick plot.
Lowest quote for two signs is $145.00 each with city road department assisting with the installation.
All cleanup efforts on hold for summer.
Boy Scout Headquarters in Dallas wants to recognize the Cub Scout Pack for the their work on the cemetery cleanup.
Interest from the community in a cemetery newsletter.
Chapel on the Hill status-
Baseboards installed thanks to Jack Steele’s carpentry skills and the painting expertise of Bob Sherrill, Jerry Mack, and Bill Millhiser.
Work on the exterior painting and the bathrooms on hold.
Wedding brochures not yet ordered.
Need for hardware for door to replace chain and padlock.
Chapel has been rented for a Janice Bowling reception August 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
Secretary read correspondence from Helen Walker and Sarah Loyd Austin.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM; motion by Suzy Raulston, second by Carolyn Millhiser.
Carolyn K. Millhiser
Minutes of June, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of May, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of April, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of March, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of February, 2004 Meeting
Minutes of January, 2004 Meeting